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If you are buying or selling a property in Spain Solhuse would advice that you instruct a legal advisor or solicitor. We can help you with this by introducing you to reputable local solicitors. 
Your legal rep will apply for your NIE (National Identity Number) if you are buying as this is a legal requirement for all purchases in Spain.
They will ensure that all legal paperwork is correct, organise the change over of services, like water & electric and when all is ready arrange the date for signing at the notary. 
If you are unable to travel to Spain you can arrange for your legal rep to have Power of Attorney (POA) to sign at the notary on your behalf.
Solhuse will continue to assist in advising you through the process of selling or buying, until the day you sign at the notary and you hand over or receive your keys. 
Solhuse prides itself on a circle of services to our clients, before, during and after. So if you need our help at any time, we welcome the opportunity to help. Just have a peek at the other services we offer or can introduce you to. Whether we can help you with anything or not, all we ask is that you keep in touch as we love to know how things are going.
If you would like any further info or help on this service or any of the other services on offer, please contact us via our contact page: